Exhibition Archive

Harmonia Rosales: ΩA Omega Alpha
The Decisive Moment: PhotoUrbanism in San Francisco Bay, 1930s-1960s
Chimeric: Student Capstone Exhibition
Vignettes: Select Views of SMCMoA’s Permanent Collection
Corita Kent: heroes and sheroes
Jacob Lawrence: Three Series of Prints
Art Practice Capstone: Points of View
Alondra Puentes Gallegos MFA Thesis: Hija Del Maíz - Medicina Ancestral
River of Words® 2023: The Natural World as Viewed by Young People
Fake It Till You Make It: A Quest for Authenticity
Interdisciplinary Voice
Power & Purpose: Reflections on the African Art Collection
Creating Through Chaos: Saint Mary’s College of California Art Practice Capstone Exhibition
Stock: Andrew Mount
Aesthetic Forces: Nature in the Modern California Landscape, 1915–2015
Keith + Kari: William Keith and Kari Marboe
Collective Memories: Stonecuts from Cape Dorset
Feminizing Permanence
Sign of the Times: The Great American Political Poster, 1844-2012
Senior Capstone Projects: An Instagram takeover featuring the Class of 2020 senior capstone projects
Kal Spelletich: Significance Machines and Purposeful Robots
R&D (Rosenblum and Doyle): New Formalism in Painting and Photography
Foad Satterfield: THINGS KNOWN
Emerge: Student Art Exhibition
Open Studio: Interdisciplinary Art Practice In Progress
Paint from Nature: William Keith and the High Sierra
Graphicanos: Contemporary Latino Prints from the Serie Project
Stanley Koppel: Artist as Activist
Watermedia: The Color of Summer presented by the California Watercolor Association
BART: Strangers on the Train by Richard Gayton
Into Being- The River by Diana Hobson & Susan Alexjander
Darker Shades of Red: Soviet Propaganda from the Cold War Era
Peter Freund: IRAN|USA +other nonorientable surfaces
Annual Art Studio Student Exhibition
Cohort 2: MFA in Dance Thesis Festival
The American Soldier: A Photographic Tribute
Social Justice: It Happens to One, It Happens to All
Reflections in Water: Selections by the California Art Club
Watertime: A Video by David and Hi-jin Hodge
Scene/Unseen: A Group Exhibition of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs
William Keith The Beginning of the Collection
Environmental Impact
Instagael: SMC Student Instagrams
David Maxim: Points of View
William Keith and the Battle for Hetch Hetchy
A Fine Line: The Doctor Maurice Alberti Print Collection of European and American Masters
Luis Gutierrez: Another Kind of Truth
Axis Mundi/Open Portals: New Works by Ron Hutt
William Keith and the Battle for Hetch Hetchy
Bright and Beautiful: Early San Francisco Bay Area Watercolors, the Collection of Roger and Kathy Carter
Stephen Joseph: Inside Vasco Caves
The Darker Side of William Keith: Late Paintings
Visual Language: Mystery and Meaning
Andy Warhol: Prints Polaroids and Pop
SMC Student Art Exhibit
River Passage: New Works by Dane Mattes
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Tom Golden Collection
Photography by Robert Gumpert: Take a Picture/ Tell a Story, Prison Series
Photography by Robert Gumpert: "I Need Some Deodorant. My Skin is Restless" Psychiatric Emergency Services
William Keith and the Native American
Pueblo to Pueblo: The Legacy of Southwest Indian Pottery
The Native American Collection of Roger Epperson
Grace Hudson: Painter of the Pomo People
By Invitation Only: Revealing the Landscape
The Collector's Eye: Early California Landscapes and Still Lifes
Dale Chihuly: Venetians
It's Natural: Sam Perry and Pamela Blotner
Michael Collopy: Face to Face with Movers and Shakers
From Swords to Plowshares: Trench Art from WWI & Songs of the Patriot
Judy Dater: Edo Redux
Malcolm Lubliner: The Automotive Landscape
The Artist Revealed
Afterglow: Rethinking California Light and Space Art
Surfaces: Lee Saloutos
Points of View: Mary Lou Correia and Paul Kratter
Building a Collection
Marc Chagall: Stories from the Bible
Student Art Show Spring 2013
In Search of the Source: The Nile and Beyond by Lockwood de Forest
Ryan Reynolds: Landscape Assembled
The Art of the Cross
Nyame Brown: John Henry's Adventures In a Post Black World
The Missions of Will Sparks
The Nature of Collecting: The Early 20th Century Fine Art Collection of Roger Epperson
Richard Gayton: Recent Watercolors and One Square Mile
Richard McLean: Master Artist Tribute IX, Horses, Landscapes and Portraits
River of Words
The Veil: Visible and Invisible Spaces
Pam Glover: A Life in Art
Lee and Grant
Gifted Hands: The Fine Art of Craft
Superbly Independent: Early California Paintings
Andy Warhol: Quick Pix and Pop Icons
Ralph Borge : A Symbolic Realist and His Circle
Out of This World: Real & Imagined Landscapes of our Solar System
California in Relief
William Keith: Mountains of Shadow and Light
Sacred Mountain: Images of Mt. Diablo and Mr. Fuji
Bert Monroy: A Digital Artist Paints with Light
The Second Golden Age of Dutch Art: 19th Century Paintings from the Beekhuis Collection
Carl Sammons: California Impressionist Landscapes from the Donna Walsh Sumner Collection
You See: The Early Years of the UC Davis Art Faculty
Pinturas de Fe: The Retablo Tradition in Mexico & New Mexico
Footloose in Arcadia: Artists and Authors of Piedmont, 1890 to 1930
Dreaming In Color: Aboriginal Art from Balgo
Paper Cuts
Town and Country: Jessica Dunne and Louis Labrie
Master Artist Tribute VII Hearst Art Gallery Opens Carlos Villa Retrospective
Manuel Valencia (1856-1935): California's Native Son
Playing Around: Toys Designed by Artists
Touched by Wonder: Ethnographic Objects from the St. Mary's College Permanent Collection
Tools as Art: The Hechinger Collection
Perceptions in Art and Science: Different Faces Same Truth
Pressing Matters: 500 Years of Wine in Art
Living Color: Inside the Outsiders
Early Days in California: William Keith, John Muir, and Joseph LeConte
Now and Then - Senior Thesis Exhibition and SMC Alumni Exhibition
Abstraction: Spirit and Space
Sandow Birk's Paradiso
The Holy Art of Imperial Russia
Keith's Cigar Box and Panel Paintings
Revelations and Reflections of Self-Taught Artists
Water, Land and Sky: Rediscovering A.T. DeRome
Student Art Exhibition
Art Faculty Exhibition
Winslow Homer: The Illustrator
Stephen De Staebler, a Thirty-Year Survey (1973-2003)
The Legacy of Brother Cornelius
The Art of Music
Unbounded Vistas: Artists Interpret the Northern California Landscape
SMC Student Art Exhibition
Out of Time: 20th Century Designs for the Future
Exotica: Plant Portraits from Around the World
The Mountains of California: New William Keith and John Muir Exhibit
Kenro Izu: Light Over Ancient Angkor
Women to Women: Weaving Cultures, Shaping History
William Wolff: Printmaker
The Teacher as Artist
Early Artists of the Bohemian Club
Kuna Mola: Maintaining Tradition Amid Change
Instruments for a New Navigation: Sculpture, Drawings and Paintings by Morris Graves
Diamonds in the Sky: Images from the Hubbell Space Telescope
The Artist and the Bible: Twentieth Century Works on Paper
SMC Student Art Exhibition
A Sense of Place: Pam Glover and the Siegriest Legacy
From Real Life, Richard Shaffer
A Winding River: the Journey of Contemporary Art in Vietnam
SMC Student Exhibition
George Post: A life in Watercolor
William Keith: California Awakening
Stories Woven In: The Navajo Way of Seeing
Talking Walls Dialogue: Ingrid and Plato, Interactive Still Lives, Knit One, Swim Two
SMC Faculty Exhibition
SMC Student Exhibition
Point to Point: California Landscape Paintings
Early California Impressionists: The Ronald E. Walker Collection
The College Collection: Twenty Years of Growth
Terry St. John
Miseries and Misfortunes of War
Annual Student Exhibition
1996 - 1997
Stanley Truman: Fifty Years of Photography
Building Bridges, Crossing Cultures
Ruth Bernhard: Master Artist Tribute IV
Mark Rothko: The Spirit of Myth, Early Paintings from the 1930's and 1940's
1995 - 1996
William Keith: The Collection Comes Home
Puppets of the World
Burning Lights: Spirituality, Tradition and Craft in Recent Art from the City of Angels
Robert Kehlmann: Painting with Glass, A Retrospective
Annual Student Exhibition
Stanley Truman: Fifty Years of Photography
1994 - 1995
Jeannette Maxfield Lewis (1894-1982): A Centennial Celebration
African Alchemy: Art for Healing in African Societies
Manuel Neri: A Sculptor's Drawings, Master Artist Tribute III
Saint Mary's College Art Faculty: Lee Altman, Roy Schmaltz, Suzanne Schumacher.
Icons and Easter Eggs of Imperial Russia
Annual Student Exhibition
1993 - 1994
"Wonderful Colors!" The Paintings of August F. Gay
Modern British Art: Vorticism and the Grosvenor School, 1912-1935
Fascination with Trains
Selections 5: Recent Work from the Polaroid Collection
Gregory Kondos: Yosemite and Other California Landscapes
Student Show
1992 - 1993
Bicoastal Artists of the 1870's
Tutavoh: Learning the Hopi Way
Nathan Oliveira: Figurative Works, 1958-1992
California Metal
Bella Feldman: Sculpture
Student Show
Acalanes Union High School District Show
1991 - 1992
Maurice Logan, Artist and Designer
Charles Strong: New Paintings--China, Ezra, Joan
Kiyochika: Artist of Meiji Japan
Before Columbus: Art of West Mexico
Recent Acquisitions
The Crucifixion Through the Modern Eye
Student Show
1990 - 1991
Personal Mythologies and Poignant Moments
Recent Acquisitions: Works on Paper in the Saint Mary's Collection
Prints of the Eighties: The BankAmerica Corporation Art Collection
Wayne Thiebaud at Seventy
Saint Mary's Art Faculty Show: Karen Breschi, Mark McCloud, Roy Schmaltz, Suzanne Schumacher, Darwin Marable.
The Art of the Mask
Student Show
1989 - 1990
Stanley Truman/Sister Adele: Photography
Wine in Art
Rupert Garcia
Jose Guadalupe Posada
Brother Kyran Memorial Exhibition
Contemporary Landscape: New Perspectives
Artists of Contra Costa County: An Invitational Exhibition
If Pictures Could Talk: A Collection of California Paintings
Student Show
1988 - 1989
William Keith, California's Poet Painter
Douglas Holmes: The Memorials
Contra Costa Contemporary Collections
Post-Photo: Eleven Artists Expanding the Boundaries of Photography
Art of Our Time: Works on Paper from the Olga Hirshhorn Collection
Student Show
1987 - 1988
Vestments East and West: Japanese Kesa and European Chasubles
Collection Highlights
Art from the Computer: Computer Art Competition and "Digital Mudra" Installation by Sonya Rapoport
Six Bay Area Women Sculptors
Student Show
1986 - 1987
Architectural Inspirations: Venice and Rome
St. Mary's College Faculty Art Exhibition
Acalanes High School District Art Show
Armin Hansen: A Centennial Salute
3 Directions in Drawing
Student Show
Bay Currents: Furniture by Laurie Ann Campbell
1985 - 1986
Selections from the Saint Mary's College Collection
The MA Circle: Budapest and Vienna, 1916-1925
Don Quixote in Art
Raymond Saunders
Artists by Artists
Student Show
Pieces of Paper
1984 - 1985
Saints and Sinners in Master Drawings
Art by Alumni
The Color Woodcut in America
Sculptural Paintings
Hidden Splendors: Chinese Textiles of the Qing Dynasty
The World of Play: Children's Drawings from Moraga and Abroad
Student Show
1983 - 1984
Basic Black: Contemporary International Prints
Dia de los Muertos: Javier Sandoval
A Growing Circle of Friends: Art Work from Members' Collections
Two Faces of India: Rajput Miniatures and Tribal Paintings
The Subject Is Objects: Contemporary Bay Area Still-Life Paintings
Student Show
William Keith: A Changing Vision
1982 - 1983
Posters of the l890s and l980s
Alex Maldonado and John Swanson
Japanese Folk Arts and Crafts
Know What You See: The Examination and Treatment of Paintings
Brother Giles Brom
Poseidon's Realm: Ancient Greek Art from the Lowie Museum
Student Show
Contra Costa Competitive: Works on Paper
Eastbay Watercolor Society Annual
1981 - 1982
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Engravings by William Hogarth
California Landscape Paintings from the Collection
At Mono Lake: A Photographic Exhibition
Student Show
1980 - 1981
Saint Mary's College Art Faculty
Gary Smith: Sculpture
Painted Silk by Mia Kodani and Burnished Clay by Miriam Licht
Four Americans in France, 1914-1940 (John Taylor Arms, Samuel Chamberlain, Ernest D. Roth, John W. Winkler)
1979 - 1980
Fire and Earth: Ancient and Traditional Ceramic Forms
The Modern Print: Recent Work from the Kala Institute
Landscapes by Linda K. Smith and Portraits by Carole Peel
The Arts and Crafts of Belgium
Paintings by William Keith
1978 - 1979
The Art of the Etruscans
Selections from the Permanent Collection
Contemporary Pots
Conservation and the Collection
The Watercolors of William Keith, 1838-1911
The Art of the Printed Book
1977 - 1978
A Half-Century of Collecting: Selections from the Saint Mary's College Collection
Art from the Collection of Professor Henry and Gertrude Schaefer-Simmern
Middle Eastern Nomadic Rugs of the Nineteenth Century
Imogen Cunningham: After Ninety